Data Center Locations
When you create a new site, application, or database, you can choose from a list of data centers. We recommend choosing the location closest to your target audience. GCPing identifies the ideal data center from the location you test from. You can use this with a VPN to test from your target audience location to determine which data center best suits your site or application.
Boosted Regions
In the boosted regions, the PHP execution and database requests are faster and can handle significantly more demanding workloads, meaning websites’ response time is faster, even at peak times. The boosted regions show significant performance improvements with non-cached responses, such as e-commerce, membership, forum, community, and learning websites. Our testing has shown that the boosted regions’ website’s response time is 20% to 50% faster than the average response time of the regular regions.
Kinsta’s boosted regions run on GCP’s next-generation virtual machines (C3D); they provide consistently improved performance over the compute-optimized virtual machines (C2) running on the regular regions. C3D machines have a newer CPU coupled with a custom IPU (which offloads infrastructure chores); this results in the ability to execute significantly more instructions per second, making C3Ds a faster processor. They also have improved IO throughput, optimizing the system performance and making them more reliable.
Boosted regions are available for the following data centers:
- Jurong West, Singapore (asia-southeast1)
- St. Ghislain, Belgium (europe-west1)
- Eemshaven, Netherlands (europe-west4)
- Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA (us-central1)
- Moncks Corner, South Carolina, USA (us-east1)
- Ashburn, Virginia, USA (us-east4)
We will adopt C3D machines in more regions as soon as possible. If you have a site running on a region that we plan to upgrade, you will be notified in advance of the upgrade. If you have a dedicated server, all customizations will be retained.
Managed WordPress Data Centers
When creating your site, you can choose from 35 data centers:
- Changhua County, Taiwan (asia-east1)
- Hong Kong (asia-east2)
- Tokyo, Japan (asia-northeast1)
- Osaka, Japan (asia-northeast2)
- Seoul, South Korea (asia-northeast3)
- Mumbai, India (asia-south1)
- Delhi, India (asia-south2)
- Jurong West, Singapore (asia-southeast1)
- Jakarta, Indonesia (asia-southeast2)
- Sydney, Australia (australia-southeast1)
- Melbourne, Australia (australia-southeast2)
- Warsaw, Poland (europe-central2)
- Hamina, Finland (europe-north1)
- Madrid, Spain (europe-southwest1)
- St. Ghislain, Belgium (europe-west1)
- London, United Kingdom (europe-west2)
- Frankfurt, Germany (europe-west3)
- Eemshaven, Netherlands (europe-west4)
- Zurich, Switzerland (europe-west6)
- Milan, Italy (europe-west8)
- Paris, France (europe-west9)
- Tel Aviv, Israel (me-west1)
- Montréal, Canada (northamerica-northeast1)
- Toronto, Canada (northamerica-northeast2)
- São Paulo, Brazil (southamerica-east1)
- Santiago, Chile (southamerica-west1)
- Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA (us-central1)
- Moncks Corner, South Carolina, USA (us-east1)
- Ashburn, Virginia, USA (us-east4)
- Columbus, Ohio, USA (us-east5)
- Dallas, Texas, USA (us-south1)
- The Dalles, Oregon, USA (us-west1)
- Los Angeles, California, USA (us-west2)
- Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (us-west3)
- Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (us-west4)
Note: Google’s compute-optimized C2 machines are available in 27 regions.
Application and Database Hosting Data Centers
When adding an application or a database, you can choose from 25 data centers:
- Changhua County, Taiwan (asia-east1)
- Hong Kong (asia-east2)
- Tokyo, Japan (asia-northeast1)
- Osaka, Japan (asia-northeast2)
- Seoul, South Korea (asia-northeast3)
- Mumbai, India (asia-south1)
- Delhi, India (asia-south2)
- Jurong West, Singapore (asia-southeast1)
- Sydney, Australia (australia-southeast1)
- Hamina, Finland (europe-north1)
- St. Ghislain, Belgium (europe-west1)
- London, United Kingdom (europe-west2)
- Frankfurt, Germany (europe-west3)
- Eemshaven, Netherlands (europe-west4)
- Zurich, Switzerland (europe-west6)
- Montréal, Canada (northamerica-northeast1)
- São Paulo, Brazil (southamerica-east1)
- Santiago, Chile (southamerica-west1)
- Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA (us-central1)
- Moncks Corner, South Carolina, USA (us-east1)
- Ashburn, Virginia, USA (us-east4)
- The Dalles, Oregon, USA (us-west1)
- Los Angeles, California, USA (us-west2)
- Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (us-west3)
- Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (us-west4)